Advantages of the Express Taxi app:
What is the important advantage of a taxi? Probably the speed of reaction to the call. With the help of the taxi mobile application in Kiev, the car is called quickly and comfortably Painfully simple, legible settings of the program for calling a taxi in Kiev will appeal to everyone. Everything in the Express Taxi application is designed correctly, there is nothing superfluous.
simple and secure registration;
permanent user profile, in which data is entered once, and then substituted automatically;
accurate calculation of the price and travel time;
the address for car delivery is recognized by the system automatically;
ordering a taxi to several addresses;
the choice of time at which to submit the car (for now, for a specific time);
different payment methods;
ordering related services (air conditioning, meeting with a sign, driver);
the ability to write a comment for the driver;
assessment of travel, taxi driver's work;
history of orders, with the ability to repeat the trip;