Advertising in a taxi - the engine in promoting your brand
It is noted: visual information is perceived much faster and more effective than audio. Guided by this rule and placing printing products in the car interior, you can quickly increase the number of your potential customers. A situational memory often works - the passenger remembers the brand name on the flyer, business card or booklet in the salon in which he was driving to work in the morning, and decides to buy your product or order a service
Due to the established cooperation with printing houses, the author's design development and printing of products of various sizes is not difficult. Advertising of your brand will appear on the booklet or on the packaging of matches: on the one hand, advertising our taxi, on the other - yours. This practice allows you to immediately provide 2 markets for the distribution of products:
How to stay within budget
As the number of advertising agencies is growing, the price of supplies and advertising space in cities is increasing, the cost of various types of advertising is rapidly increasing in price. In order to promote your brand, but not go beyond the budget, our cooperation is called on. Are you a beginner brand and think that we are not interested in partnership with you? - Call right now and debunk the myth.
Choosing our taxi, you can organize irregular and permanent transportation in Kiev and the region, prepare a meeting and car escort of guests at a height, in particular, from railway stations, airports. The contractual basis is a modern word in cooperation, allowing: